CSP: Councils O – S. Council Shoulder Patches shaped patch that is not fully embroidered and can be Twill left (TL) or Twill Right (TR). Twill when viewed from the front, the rows of twill left appear to go up diagonally to the left. Twill right appear to go up diagonally to the right. Also there are Fine (TLS and TRS), Medium (TLM and TRM) and Course (TLR and TRR) rows made in Twill. Catalog Identifiers start with the letter “T”
Council Shoulder Patches shaped patch that are fully embroidered, Catalog Identifiers start with the letter “S”.
CSP: Councils O – S. Council Shoulder Patches Types T and S. Council Shoulder Patches (CSP’s) Identify the Council that the Scout and Troop are Members