Scotland Lapel Pin
Scotland Lapel Pin; Worn by Scouts from Bermuda to show their Duty to Country to Scout all around the world.
In Scotland, Scouting is administered by Scouts Scotland, a registered Scottish Charity No. SC017511, affiliated to The Scout Association (UK).
Therefore, The UK Scout Association has delegated responsibility for the management of the affairs of The Scout Association in Scotland to Scouts Scotland.
Thus, Scouts Scotland are charged with specific responsibilities for program, training, and administration.
Scouts Scotland is dedicated to making sure that Scouting in Scotland remains safe, fun and relevant for young people, and that the Scouting Program is properly delivered.
There are variations in legal, educational and national affairs in Scotland. Scouts Scotland publishes its own Scout Association’s Policy, Organisation and Rules.
Scouting in Scotland is organized on a regional and local level, ensuring that each Group has nearby support and assistance in providing the best Scouting experiences possible.
6 Scout Levels
Squirrels Ages 4 – 5
Beavers Ages 6-8
Cubs Ages 8 to 10.5
Scouts Ages 10.5 to 14
Explorers Ages 14 – 17
Network Ages 18 – 25
Therefore, Scouting in Scotland provides Scouting ti young people from 4 years old through young adults to age 25.
Likewise, for more information Scouting memorabilia go to
Scouts check out the Collections Merit badge at
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Likewise, learn more about Scouts Scotland go to;
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