Camp Memorabilia includes National and Council : Camp Awards; Camp patches and Pins; National High Adventure Camp patches and Memorabilia; Neckerchiefs, Slides and Bolos.
Camping is part of the BSA Outdoor Program and is an essential element to provide adventure, challenge, teamwork and offers a Scout the opportunity to use The Patrol Method, use The EDGE Method and at the same time have fun.
The Camping also helps develop good health, self-reliance, resourcefulness, spiritual growth, social development, citizenship training and learn and apply their outdoor skills.
The dynamics to an adventure-oriented camping and outdoor program include multiple skill areas, including aquatics, fishing, shooting sports, high adventure, and COPE/climbing. The national Scouting organization provides support in these areas, as do the Local Councils through an outdoor programs committee. Other key resources that support camping and outdoor program are the Council Outdoor Ethics Advocates, who oversees Scouting’s Leave No Trace and related programs, the Order of the Arrow lodge, the conservation, health and safety, and risk management committees, and other special committees that serve unique constituents, e.g., special needs, inner-city, and ethnic cultures.
Click on any of the links to the left for the camping memorabilia you are interested.